Keeping in Touch….

June 4

I. On the Alliance

            The fifty-year campaign to overturn of Roe v. Wade and the recent release of the book “The Fall of Roe” bring into focus the founding constitutional notion of the separation of church and state.  There is increasing evidence of efforts to reinterpret the founding documents and to construct justifications for the establishment of (the Christian) religion in the United States.  There is also evidence that a growing number of Americans would welcome such a development.  The Alliance engages in ongoing study of this issue, and encourages discussion among citizens regarding the relationship of church and state in a secular representative democracy such as the United States.    

II. On the Constitution -Term Limits - Part 3

In view of recent new stories concerning Justices Alito and Thomas, it could reasonably be observed that Supreme Court justices especially, the longer they serve, are prone to become insulated from the day to day concerns of average citizens.  Because they are increasingly out of touch and desensitized, they lose their capacity to see the potentially disastrous consequences of their rulings and their behavior.  Supreme Court rulings on campaign finance, gun control, and voting and reproductive rights, for example, have manifestly NOT been in the public interest.  And accepting “emoluments” such as vacations, and paid college tuition for family members calls to mind the old expression: “The appearance of impropriety, IS impropriety.”  There is an urgent need to study and reconsider Article III of the Constitution, and to craft and enact amendments to address the evident shortcomings of Article III as it currently reads.

Next: Age Limits



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